Friday, November 26, 2010

Home Made Mee Hoon Kueh

Our first attempt at making Mee Hoon Kueh came out pretty decent, although we still have not perfected the stock... perhaps it is the type of ikan bilis (anchovies) we use, or maybe we just don't use enough of them that the stock doesn't seem rich enough; or maybe we should add in the mushroom stocks which I have been saving for the longest time for our next attempt. Not rich enough but still delicious.

I'm not sure about the entire recipe of the soup, but I will let Satellite handle that. Here's the recipe for making the dough, this dough will get chewier depending on how long you knead it.

250 g plain flour
1 egg
100 ml water
pinch of salt
1 tbsp cooking oil

Make the dough by placing all the ingredients together and knead for about 30 minutes. Create a ball with the dough and place it in a bowl, cover with a wet cloth and let it rest for 1 hour. There after you are ready to peel the little pieces off and throw it in the pot of broth whilst cooking your other ingredients.

After making this, I realized that down South, they have something similar to this but in cream soup. It's called chicken dumplings. Check out some Southern Chicken Dumpling recipes courtesy of

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